The Chesapeake Bay Bridge at sunset backed with an orange sky.
Bay Bridge Blue Fade.jpg
The Chesapeake
Bay Crossing Study
TierĀ 2 NEPA


The Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study: Tier 2 NEPA (Tier 2 Study) is a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) study underway by the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA). The purpose of the Tier 2 Study is to address existing and future transportation capacity needs and access across the Chesapeake Bay and at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge approaches along the US 50/301 corridor. The Tier 2 Study is evaluating measures to reduce congestion; improve travel times and reliability, mobility, and safety; and accommodate maintenance activities and navigation, while minimizing impacts to local communities and the environment. The Tier 2 Study is also considering objectives for environmental responsibility, as well as cost and financial responsibility.

The Tier 2 Study focuses on the Selected Corridor Alternative (Corridor 7) that was identified at the conclusion of the Tier 1 Study. MDTA is developing and analyzing multiple alternatives within study limits that extend from the Severn River Bridge in Anne Arundel County to the U.S. 50/U.S. 301 split in Queen Anne’s County. Alternatives include the No Build Alternative and a range of build alternatives involving various alignments, crossing types and modal and operational alternatives (e.g. transit, pedestrian, bicycle, etc.).

For information on the existing bridge, including toll rates, traffic information and construction projects visit

BCS Project Map showing project limits on US 50/MD 301 between MD2 junction on the west and US 50/MD 301 split in the east.

The MDTA owns, finances, operates, and maintains the William Preston Lane, Jr. Memorial (Bay) Bridge and is conducting the Tier 2 Study.

Bay Crossing Study Update

Bay Crossing Study team members stop by the Great Chesapeake Bay Swim to give an update on the Study

September 2023 Open House Comment Summary

In September 2023, the Bay Crossing Study Tier 2 (BCST2) held a series of Public Open Houses to inform the public on the study Purpose and Need, Alternatives Screening Process, and public engagement activities to date.  The open houses included two in-person public open houses and one virtual open house. In total, over 550 people attended the meetings and over 600 comments were received via the September 2023 written comment card, in-person, online, and by mail/e-mail. Comments from the open houses are summarized in the September 2023 Open Houses Survey Summary

All comments received will be considered during development of study alternatives and the environmental impact assessment. MDTA anticipates presenting the results of the initial alternatives analysis at the next series of public open houses anticipated in Fall 2024.